Frequently Asked Questions 

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What’s so exciting about Canvas?

Canvas is a Visa prepaid debit card and app that provides cashless solutions to family finance for parents/employers and their children/domestic workers. Everything is controlled through your mobile phone, the Canvas app has secure top-ups and transfers that happen instantaneously.

How do I sign up for a Canvas card?

You can sign up to Canvas through our app! Signing up is free and will take less than 5 minutes. Simply download the Canvas app on the App Store or Google Play and follow the instructions.



How do I activate my Canvas card?

Activate your cards using the Canvas app and the first and last 4 digits on the back of the card. Once the card has been activated, you can add money to it and start spending.

Can siblings have their own cards?

Most definitely! Parents can add extra cardholders using their Canvas app - just go to cardholders and tap on "add new cardholder"

Will both the parent/employer and the child/domestic worker receive a Canvas card?

Only the child/domestic worker will receive a physical Canvas card to spend with.

Parents and employers can track and control transactions through the app.

What devices are compatible to use the Canvas app?

Any device that is powered on Android or iOS software.

What are the documents needed to sign-up for Canvas?

If you’re a parent/employer, all you’ll need to sign-up is your MyInfo log in for SingPass or your NRIC/FIN for identification and security purposes.

There won’t be any documents required if you’re a child/helper.

Can I apply for multiple Canvas cards?

Yes, you can have up to 5 cards per family. Monthly charges per card apply.

How much is the Canvas subscription fee?

Canvas is free for the first 30 days, from the date of card activation. After this period, Canvas is a subscription service with a monthly fee of S$3.99 fee per card per month. Qtrly and annual options also available at sign up.

Are there any others fees?

 Canvas subscription charges are $3.99 per month per card, with quarterly and annual subscriptions also available at a reduced rate. Choose your subscription in the app upon sign up.

See our full fee schedule in terms and conditions.

Can we change the design of our card?

Not for now but there will be updates in the future. Stay tuned!

Is there a reward for saving the money in my Canvas card?

There is no reward… BUT you are able to store the money in the card for as long as possible,
which allows you to save up for that special purchase.

Are there student discounts when using the Canvas card?

We are working on partnerships with preferred brands. If you have any suggestions, slide into
our DMs on Instagram (@yourcanvascard) and connect with us!

How can cardholders request for more money from parents/employers to top-up the Canvas card?

There is no messaging feature on the Canvas app at the moment but our team is working on it.

Can you withdraw cash from the Canvas card?

No - Canvas is meant to be a cashless payment solution. However, you can spend anywhere that accepts Visa! 

Where can we use the Canvas card?

The Canvas card can be used anywhere that accepts Visa in Singapore - which is almost everywhere! Currently you can not use Canvas outside of Singapore.

Do we need to renew the Canvas card?

If the card is not defaced, damaged or tampered, it is valid for 3 years from the date of
issue. After which, your new Canvas card will be sent to you automatically, so long as you’re still under 18 years old and  subscribed.

Can the Canvas card be used overseas?

No - cross border transactions are not possible. Only for use in Singapore. 


What do I do if the Canvas card is damaged?

Get in touch with us to report the damaged card. Call or WhatsApp us on +65 8762 1472. We will order a replacement card to be sent to you.

Do take note that there is a cost of S$15 for a replacement card, unless you signed up for replacement cover at sign up.

Can you block parents/employers from seeing transactions made on the Canvas card?

No. Parents/employers have full visibility of all transactions. 

Will the Canvas app notify parents if the money on the card is running out?

Yes - If you enable Push Notifications you should see a message when the amount is lower than $5.   

Parents, children, and domestic workers can also see the balance of the cards at all times in their app.

Can parents/employers remove money from the cards?

Yes accountholders will be able to remove money from the card back to their family balance.

Can parents restrict what I spend using the Canvas card?

Nope, but parents can lock the Canvas card to prevent use and adjust the amount on the card.

Where can I download the Canvas app?

The Canvas app is available on the App Store or Google Play.

How do I invite my cardholders to my Canvas account?

You can invite cardholders at any time via the app - just click on the cardholder and then invite the cardholder.

Who is eligible to sign up for Canvas?

Children between 6 to 18 years old. Parents/Employers must be residing in Singapore. I.e. those with NRIC (Singapore ID), FIN (Foreign ID Number), your child does not need to have a mobile phone.

I love Canvas – can I join your Canvas customer crew?

Absolutely! Contact us at

How do I do a top-up to my cardholder's Canvas card?

Simply top-up by using your Canvas app - you can top up to your family balance with Credit card, PayNow or Bank Fast payment, and then transfer the required amount to the relevant cards.

Where can I view my account balance?

Parents/employers can view your total balance on the home screen in the Canvas app.  You can also see the balance by cardholder.  If you’re a child/domestic worker, your account balance will be shown on the home screen in your Canvas app.

Is there a recurring top-up feature for parents on the Canvas app?

Not at the moment, but our team is working on this service.

Can I transfer money on my Canvas app to my friends?

Not at the moment, but our team is working on expanding our services.

Is there a fee for replacement of my Canvas card?

Yes, there is a cost of S$15 if your Canvas card is lost, stolen or damaged.

Is there a transaction limit using the Canvas card?

The maximum amount a Canvas card can hold is S$1,000 at any one time. 

How can I change my password?

Go to the Canvas app and click the "Forgot Password" button to make the change.

What do I do if my Canvas card is lost or misplaced?

Go on the Canvas app to lock the card to prevent unauthorised usage. Call or WhatsApp us at +65 87261472 to arrange for a card replacement.

What do I do if I notice any unfamiliar transactions in my Canvas App?

Go on your Canvas App and lock the card to prevent unauthorised usage. Call or WhatsApp us on 87261472 and we will investigate the situation.

When can we start spending using the Canvas card?

Right after the parent/employer activates the Canvas card and transfers money onto the card using the Canvas App.

Where can I find the Terms and Conditions for Canvas?

You can download it here.

Can both parents have access to a Canvas account?

The Canvas app only supports one parent/employer per account, but our team is working on expanding these services.

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